COMMUNITY - As an Army Veteran and Reserve Sheriff’s Deputy, Alex understands the nuance of keeping communities safe while also recognizing the need for transparency and accountability.

HUMAN RIGHTS - In a age where basic civil rights and liberties are under attack, Alex will do everything in his power to protect and advocate for the right for women to have access to health care.

EDUCATION - Our schools are the bedrock of our community. Alex will fight to make sure schools feel safe and that we invest in giving quality learning experiences to future generations. Alex believes in giving educators the respect, resources, and support they need to thrive.

ENVIRONMENT - The environment is a top priority for Alex. An avid user of green spaces, he will hold polluters accountable and stick true to Michigan’s commitment to 100% clean energy by 2040.

GUN VILOENCE & MENTAL HEALTH: As a Mom’s Demand Action Gun sense endorsement candidate, Alex will advocate for bipartisan and common sense solutions to reducing gun violence in our communities, while protecting American’s Second Amendment Rights.

TAXES: Alex supports reforms to Michigan’s tax code to ease the burden of high taxes on new home owners. Seniors who are looking to downsize shouldn’t have to pay more, and young families need a fair chance at affordable and safe housing to start families.